Chocolate Soufflé (Fondant)


200 g - flour
200 g - Sugar
100 g - dark chocolate
100 g - Milk chocolate
4 eggs
4 egg yolks
250 g - Butter
Natural Cocoa
Vanilla ice cream
Aluminum Shapes


Prepare products ahead to simplify the process of preparation:
Crush the chocolate into small cubes, chop 200g of butter, sift the flour with a sieve
Take the 4-yolk out of the eggs (for convenience you can use this tool), and then mix in a - a large bowl with the remaining 4 eggs.
In a small saucepan pour about 100 ml. water. Then in a glass bowl, Clear melt broken chocolate and butter in a water bath. During the melt there will be a white foam, which you must remove and stir until reaching a homogeneous mixture. When the mixture is ready move the bowl aside to rest. In a large metal bowl mix with a mixer or wire whisk sugar with egg yolks and mix until you get puffy white foam. Add sifted flour and stir until reaching a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Now add the melted chocolate and mix until you get a uniform mixture. Leave the mixture aside to rest.
Now we come at the most -laborious and slow part, which is preparing the aluminium forms to easily remove the finished souffle without changing its shape.
Use aluminum disposable forms, first melt butter and with pastry brush, brush the bottom and sides of the form with butter and place in freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then sprinkle the the form with 2-3 g cocoa each. Lid two shapes against each other and shake them over the sink in all directions so that the cocoa to spread evenly on the forms. Now you're ready to merge the mixture into the form, fill 2/3 of the form or 60-70 g (depending on how many and want to get), do not overdo it because during the baking process it will swell. After the mixture is spilled into the forms you can bake several chocolate souffles and put the others to freeze in the freezer. This dessert can be put in the freezer for up to one month.
As said before the secret is to bake the dessert, so the outside is well-done and the inside remains liquid.
Bake at high heat, I usually bake them the 275C for 7-8 minutes, depending on the oven, watch the souffle after the 6th minutes and when it forms a golden brown crisp it is the time to remove it from the over.
Leave the chocolate souffle aside for 3-4 minutes, place on a small plate and carefully turn. The souffle will peel off easily, add one scoop and serve.
Bon apetit!


This is one of my first recipes, with which my culinary skills have become the center of attention. I remember how three years ago I found a version of Gordon Ramsay's chocolate souffle and fell in love with this recipe, but over time I made small changes.
Interestingly the skill in this dessert is not so much the preparation of the mixture but baking the cake so that the outside is crispy and the inside remains liquid. The most difficult part I think is the preparation of shapes, so that the souffle is removed without spoiling its shape.
In this line of thought some time ago in my facebook group facebookgroup, I published that I can prepare the chocolate souffle mixture for you and give you the secret instructions for proper baking, so if you want to enjoy a homemade chocolate dessert follow me and order through Facebook.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - 2:14am


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