Sorta Fresh Salsa
We had a sweet, family friend cater our recent family reunion, it was really quite a treat. I spent some time in the kitchen chatting over her recipes. She did a delicious roasted onion and feta breadstick and scrumptious strawberry cheesecake pancakes, but I was really wowed by her salsa. She brought it already prepared, we had it for dinner on day two, yet it tasted so fresh.
My fresh salsas always turn to a watery, mushy mess the day after, and canned salsa just isn’t the same. So I got the secret for making your fresh salsa keep better; canned petite diced tomatoes. So it is not quite the same as fresh, but when tomatoes are not in season, you are feeding a crowd or need to save time, this is a great option over Pace. I seem to never be able to make a recipe just as it is given to me, so this has been altered to fit my taste. I am still looking for a good organic petite diced can of tomatoes with out a bunch of extra ingredients. Let me know if you come across any.