Ghetto Ramen
First off, you should be using the cheapest ramen you can possibly find for this...anywhere between 3 to 5 packs for a dollar is good. Now cook your ramen noodles without the flavor pack. I always overcook my noodles so that they get nice and bloated. This way you feel like you're getting more food. Drain all the water and mix in the flavor pack. Now slap some of that ramen onto your favorite/cheapest bread (less than $1.50 a loaf). (placing another slice of bread on top is optional) now you have a great tasting, filling meal that costs about fifty cents and can be eaten hot or cold. (RamenMaster'
Note: RamenMaster's addendum: Why not put some cheap lunchmeat on there too, or perhaps some mustard?
1.0 servings
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 2:12am