Milagu Kara Sambar/ Spicy Pepper Lentile Curry

Foodista Cookbook Entry

Category: Side Dishes | Blog URL:

This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.


Murungaikai( Drumstick)-2 or Kathrikai (Eggplant)-4 or Keerai Thandu( Stems of Amaranth leaves)-1 bunch
Toordal( cooked and mashed)-1cup
small Onion chopped-1
small Tomato chopped-1
Turmeric powder-1/4tsp
Salt to taste
Dry roast and grind the following ingredients to fine powder
Urad dal( Ullutham parrupu)-2tsp
Whole Black pepper( Milagu)-2tsp
Mustard seeds( Kadugu)-1tsp
Dry red chilly( Varamilagai)-4
Mustard seeds-1tsp
Curry leaves-few
Oil required
P.S-Any one of the above vegetables can be used to make this sambar or you can c
Only use the stems of the amaranth leaves, donot use the leaves.


In a deep vessel add vegetable( i had used drumstick here), onions and tomatoes, add enough water and bring to boil. Cook till the vegetable are tender. When vegetable is done, add cooked toordal to the above vegetable and mix well. In a small bowl add the ground masala, 1tsp of water and mix well. Add this mixture to the vegetable toordal mixture.( If the ground masala is directly added to toordal mixture, masala powder will form into lumps and will not mix thoroughly).
Add turmeric powder and enough salt to the sambar( add water according to the thickness of sambar). Bring the mixture to boil, simmer for 2mins and keep stirring sambar.
In a small tadka pan heat 2 tbsp of oil, when hot add mustard seeds, curry leaves and asafetida. When crackles, add this tempering to the boiling sambar.
Serve hot with steamed rice.


Milagu Kara Sambar/ Spicy Pepper Sambar

Murungaikai( Drumstick)-2 or Kathrikai (Eggplant)-4 or Keerai Thandu( Stems of Amaranth leaves)-1 bunch
Toordal( cooked and mashed)-1cup
Onion small chopped-1
Tomato small chopped-1
Turmeric powder-1/4tsp
Salt to taste

Dry roast and grind the following ingredients to fine powder
Urad dal( Ullutham parrupu)-2tsp
Whole Black pepper( Milagu)-2tsp
Mustard seeds( Kadugu)-1tsp
Dry red chilly( Varamilagai)-4

Mustard seeds-1tsp
Curry leaves-few
Oil required

P.S-Any one of the above vegetables can be used to make this sambar or you can combine both drumstick and eggplant.
Only use the stems of the amaranth leaves, donot use the leaves.

In a deep vessel add vegetable( i had used drumstick here), onions and tomatoes, add enough water and bring to boil. Cook till the vegetable are tender. When vegetable is done, add cooked toordal to the above vegetable and mix well. In a small bowl add the ground masala, 1tsp of water and mix well. Add this mixture to the vegetable toordal mixture.( If the ground masala is directly added to toordal mixture, masala powder will form into lumps and will not mix thoroughly).
Add turmeric powder and enough salt to the sambar( add water according to the thickness of sambar). Bring the mixture to boil, simmer for 2mins and keep stirring sambar.
In a small tadka pan heat 2 tbsp of oil, when hot add mustard seeds, curry leaves and asafetida. When crackles, add this tempering to the boiling sambar.
Serve hot with steamed rice.




Thursday, December 24, 2009 - 12:40am


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