Steamed Egg Cake (Ji Dao Gao)


210 grams Caster Sugar
230 grams Cake Flour, sifted 2- 3 times
1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
120 milliliters Cream Soda


Whisk eggs in a large mixing bowl till frothy, add in sugar in 3 - 4 batches to ensure it is well incorporated.
Add vanilla essence and continue beating until the batter becomes very pale, thick and creamy. Meanwhile, heat up wok, pot or steamer until you get a gentle boil. (Do make sure the pot/steamer is large enough to fit the cake tin and has ample space for the batter to rise and steam to circulate.)
Fold in the sifted flour in thirds, alternating with the soda and ending with flour.
Pour the cake mixture into prepared baking tin or bamboo steam that is lined with greaseproof paper.
Pop it into the pot/steamer, cover and steam on high heat for about 30 minutes or when skewer insert and comes out clean.
Once done, remove the cake from tin, place it on a rack and allow to cool before cutting.


Steamed Egg Cake or also known as Ji Dan Gao (雞蛋糕) is one of the tradition steamed cake, which is commonly used for praying purpose during festive occasion such as Chinese Lunar New Year.


7.0 " round cake


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 - 6:12pm

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