Gabi's Bread
Bread, one knows, is a natural carrier for man's history .This one has its own which, however little and unconsequential it might be, regards me directly.
An unspecified number of years ago, I used to share a house in Tooting Broadway, in deep south-west London. The place was just what you might expect as the home of a group - 6 of us - of young graduates, students and what nots, with different backgrounds and nationalities. Pretty much of a tip, with constant comings and goings, a fair ammount of squallor albeit fiercely fought off, but - hey - a lot of fun.
Amongst us there a was a German girl, Gabriele Martin, known as Gabi. Gabi certainly had - has - many merits, first of all that of being one of the kindest people I have ever met. However, even after all these years, I am sure that if you ask any of us, the single thing we remember best about her will be the wonderful bread she used to bake.
Time has gone by, that group of former youngsters is now scattered around the world. Some have remained in more or less close touch, of others we have no more than vague news. Of someone, just as it happens in life, we have lost all traces. Unfortunatelly, amongst the latter is Gabi. Nontheless, she (and her bread!) has kept a place in my heart.
Since then, my partner and I have also spent four years in southern Germany. Gabi, I knew, had returned to her home town near Stuttgart. We were no more than 100ks from each other but I still could not find her. Nor could I find a bread quite like hers! Plenty of gorgeous ones around there, but none that exactly matched the marvel Gabi had introduced us to. It was a Bauernbrot, that much was clear, but try doing a research and you'll come across so many different recipes that will make your head spin.
Then, recently I came across a version - posted on an American foodblog by a German lady who now lives over there - that looked really promising. Her recipe had at least a couple of key features that seemed right: it was a ryebread, and it required a 48 hours standing sourdough starter! Just what I remembered Gaby doing: starting three days ahead of baking...
So, a few personal touches added to the recipe, and - presto! - off I go: at lunch time on thursday I launched myself into this latest adventure, ready to bring my new Gabi's bread to the table for dinner on saturday evening. Some effort indeed, but you have no idea of the satisfaction I felt! Try it yourself.
Gabi, who left me some great memories;
Petra, who posted on the recipe that inspired me.