Coq Au Riesling

Foodista Cookbook Entry

Category: Main Dishes | Blog URL:

This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.


50 grams butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
100 grams streaky bacon or pancetta, diced
2 mediums onions, peeled & chopped
2 cloves of garlic, peeled & chopped
4 joints of free range chicken on the bone
200 grams small brown mushrooms, halved or quartered
3 tablespoons chopped parsley


Melt the butter in a heavy based casserole, and pour in the oil. Put in the diced bacon or pancetta and let it colour a little, then add the onions and garlic. Leave to cook over a moderate heat until the onions have softened but not yet coloured.
Scoop the bacon and onions out with a draining spoon, leaving behind the cooking juices, then add the chicken pieces. Let them brown lightly on all sides. A moderate heat is best for this but be prepared to add a little more oil if the butter shows signs of browning.
Add the mushrooms and continue cooking for a few minutes, then return the bacon and onions to the pan. Turn up the heat, pour in the wine, bring quickly to the boil and then turn it down to a simmer. Let everything cook at a gentle bubble for twenty-five minutes, turning the chicken from time to time.
Lift the chicken out of the pan and pour in the cream. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and stir in the chopped parsley. Continue cooking at an enthusiastic bubble, until the cream starts to thicken slightly. Return the chicken to the pan. When the chicken is thoroughly hot and the sauce has the thickness of double cream, serve.






Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 5:32am

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