Mediterranean Mushrooms


1 pound Fresh tomatoes
2/3 cup Red wine
2 tablespoons Tomato paste
1 Clove garlic, minced
2 Shallots, finely chopped
1 teaspoon Rosemary leaves
2 tablespoons Raisins
12 ounces Small mushrooms


I got a cookbook yesterday called Fat-Free Mix'N Match Meals and though I have not tried anything in it yet, I can say it looks wonderful and can't wait to try a few recipes. It is pretty much vegetarian with a couple of shrimp recipes and it looks like substitutions can easily be made to make most of them vegan. It is called Mix'N Match because there are 3 categories; appetizer, entree, and desert. Each page is divided into 3, one part for each category so you can flip to any recipe for each one to create your own combinations. The publisher is Ottenheimer Publishers Inc, I bought it from Avon so I don't know what stores would carry it. Here's an appetizer from the book that I might try tonight...
Peel the tomatoes by dropping them into boiling water for 10secs, transfer them to cold water and peel & chop. In a small saucepan, combine tomatoes, wine, tomato paste, garlic and a pinch each of cinnamon, salt and pepper.
Simmer for about 8min. Add shallots, rosemary, raisins and mushrooms and simmer a further 5min or until mushrooms are just barely tender. Serve warm or cold.




1.0 servings


Thursday, December 31, 2009 - 1:15am



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