Dark Chocolate Fruit Kabobs


20 whole strawberries
30 chunks pineapple (fresh or canned)
30 chunks papaya (other fruit suggestions: apples, mango, kiwi)
6 chunks dark chocolate (Xocai Healthy Chocolate Nuggets)
1 tbsp butter


Wash fruit if needed. Remove stem from the strawberries, but leave them whole, Cut other fruit into 1-inch chunks. Arrange chunks of fruit on 10 kabob sticks, alternating fruit so you have 2 to 3 of each fruit on the stick. I like to start and end with a strawberry. 2 Melt butter in a double broiler. Add Nuggets and melt on low. Remove from heat as soon as soft to stir. Line up fruit kabob close together. Drizzle chocolate over fruit in a zigzag pattern.


Dark Chocolate Fruit Kabobs

Other Names:

Dark Chocolate Fruit Kabobs


Serves 10


Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 1:12pm


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