
Foodista Cookbook Entry

Category: Desserts & Sweets | Blog URL:“cantucci”-recipe/

This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.


1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons nutmeg
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 cups roasted almonds, cut in half
1/4 cup warm water
cup oil
1 egg, beaten
2 tablespoons water


Place the almonds on a cookie sheet and place in a 400ºF oven for 15 minutes. Shake the pan several times to turn the nuts so they cook evenly. Let the almonds cool. Cut the almonds in half.
In large mixing bowl, place the dry ingredients and toasted almonds. Make a well in the center and combine the remaining wet ingredients (water, oil and eggs). Oil your hands to mix the dough. Place the dough onto a floured board and work until completely combined. The dough will be sticky to work with. Refrigerate for one hour.
Make loaves about 14” long and 2” wide, and place them on a lightly greased or parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Brush the loaves with the egg wash and place them in a 350ºF oven for 25 minutes or until lightly browned. Let cool and slice on a diagonal 1” apart.
To freeze, do not slice but wrap the whole logs tightly in plastic wrap. Slice the logs when you are ready to serve them. They can be frozen for up to 2 months.
Note: Cantucci are not doubled baked.




Cantucci originated in the Tuscany They are can be found in every pasticceria in the Tuscany. Cantucci are eaten with a glass of “Vin Santo” a sweet wine.


2.5 dozen


Friday, January 8, 2010 - 12:50pm


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