Il Succo Arancione Di Sasha – Sasha’s Favorite Juice


2 APPLES (I like to use red delicious apples as they are very sweet)
1 STALK OF CELERY (optional)


Now, in order to make a good juice you need to have a real juice extractor. A blender or a regular juicer won’t do the job. Wash the apples and carrots. You don’t need to peel them. Ideally organically growth vegetables and fruit are always the best choice. You don’t want to drink any pesticides along with your juice. Just cut them in half to avoid stressing the juicer machine and peel the small piece of ginger. Turn the machine on and add one piece or two at a time. Drink it right away! Absorption of and benefit from the juice is highest then.
Tip: Keep your fruit and vegetables in the fridge if you like to have a cold juice. You can add ice or cold pure water afterword if you prefer a more liquid version or just to adjust the thickness of your juice.
Advice: Don’t try to store the juice in the fridge for any length of time as all these kinds of juices are meant to be consumed instantly to avoid oxidation and loss of important vitamins.




I recently ‘converted’ my family to add at least one raw meal once a day to our diet. Usually this would happen half an hour before lunch with a mixture of vegetables and fruit extracted from my new juicer. I like to try many different combinations of fruit and vegetables mixed together, so we never know what color the juice will come out until the very last minute. Everyday our son Sasha asks me the same question: “Che colore e’ il succo oggi mommy? Rosso, blu, verde?” Green is not usually his favorite but he will still drink it and it makes me so happy that I have finally found a way to have him ‘eat’ all the good vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Kale, spinach and even wheatgrass! Yes, you can make a juice pretty much out of any kind of vegetable you like. Of course they need a big help from the natural sugar, which is in all fruit to taste good and believe it or not they really do taste good! Not to mention that if you are a bit creative you can also make great ice pops with some of the same juice you made using any kind of mold you have handy at home. The only difference is that instead of drinking it you are going lo lick it and it’s going to feel so cool especially in the coming hot summer days!

Everybody will love it!


3.0 people


Friday, May 7, 2010 - 5:56pm


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