Double Boiled Winter Melon Soup
Photo: Quay Po Cooks
Winter Melon in Cantonese is call “Tong Kuah” so a big winter melon is called “Tai Tong Kuah” This reminds me of a story durig my childhood. My mum’s second step sister is one year younger than me so we were weekends playmates. If I remember correctly, when she was 6 years old, she had to perform for her school concert. She had to sing a song and I clearly remember there was one line in the lyrics saying “I am a “Tai Tong Kuah”. During the peformance, when she sang that line, everybody started to laugh but she started to cry! She was basically a very shy and sensitive kid and I guess she felt ambarrassed when people laughed thinking that they were laughing at her. Actually, they were laughing at the lyrics of the song not her. The reason being when one calls you a “Tai Tong Kuah” means you are a clumsy and stupid fellow. However drinking this soup is not so stupid after all. It has all the best ingredients in it and it is so delicious! You practically do not need any other complimentary dish. Just put white rice in the soup and you have sumptuous meal.