Carmel Pie


1 0R 2 cans EAGLE BRAND MILK. Remove label from cans. Put them, UNOPENED, in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to keep it at a low boil for 3 hours. You will need to continue to add water to make sure the cans remain covered in water this whole 3 hours.
Remove from heat. Let this cool at room temperature before putting in the refrigerator overnight UNOPENED. After opening when chilled, stir completely and spoon into a graham cracker crust. Top with whipped cream and serve.
This will make 1 deep dish and a couple of small tarts or 2 smaller pies. Refrigerate after serving if there is any left :)
Each time I serve this people ask me how to make it and I tell them it is hard, it takes 3 hours ROFLOL then I tell them my secret.
Do not make the mistake I made one time, in a rush, I opened a can that was not completely cooled. When it broke the seal, that sticky mess went everywhere, in my hair, all over the kitchen, what a mess. Just cool it overnight in the refrigerator and you will be fine.




4.0 servings


Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 10:30am



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