Stuffed Round Zucchini
Look at these zucchini!! I have never seen round zucchini before so I couldn’t resist buying them. With summer nearly here,the produce markets are filled with wonderful fresh vegetables including this unusual zucchini. I bought two (went back later and they were all gone) and since there is only my husband and myself these days,two was enough. The only thing I could think of to to with them was to stuff them. My melon baller came in handy for this job. I lopped off the top,scooped out the inside and saved it to saute with the other vegetables. Since the zucchini were so small (about 3 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches ) I didn’t measure the ingredients I just eye-balled the amounts and only had a small bit of the rice stuffing left over,so I just ate it standing by the stove. Let me know what you think??