Gluten Free Profiteroles
Preheat oven to 375°F.
Sift the flour, xantham gum, salt and sugar together 3-4 times, set aside in a handy location close to the stove.
Prepare your hand mixer so that it is ready when needed.
Remove from heat and slowly pour the egg into the mixture, beating well with the hand mixer, being careful to to make the paste too runny (the recipe indicates that the amount of egg required depends on the humidity, so add in smallish quantities). Continue to beat until shiny and stiff. The paste should firm but elastic and should be able to stand on its own when dropped by spoonfuls. This paste may be kept for a couple of hours covered with a damp cloth. Also, the recipe indicates that this paste can be frozen and used successfully (next time I will freeze excess balls individually on a cookie sheet, and bake individually as required in the future!).
Prepare a cookie sheet by running it under cold water, shaking excess water off, but leaving it damp. Use two baking sheet to protect the bottom of each puff from burning.
Place tablespoons of the mixture about 10 cm apart (the chou’s will double to triple in size).
The recipe for the Pâte à Chou is adapted to Gluten Free from a cookbook my dear friend Kim from university gave me in 1984, Traditional Cakes and Pastries by Babara Maher – published by New Burlington Books in 1984
1.0 servings
Saturday, January 30, 2010 - 5:26am
March 19, 2011
My 24 year old daughter has been longing to eat profiteroles again since she was diagnosed with coeliac disease and asked me to have a go at gluten-free ones for her birthday. I tested 2 recipes yesterday, including this one. This one was by far the best and I was delighted with the results They were very light and just like good, non-gluten-free ones. My daughter was delighted and everyone else enjoyed them. Thanks for posting this recipe. I will definitely use it again.