Chilled Fennel Soup With Orange Zest
1 teaspoon (5 g) minced garlic
2 medium onions, minced
2 pounds (900 g) fresh fennel bulbs (stems and leaves should be trimmed off and the rest can be chopped)
5 cups (1250 ml) chicken or veg broth
1 tablespoon of minced orange zest
salt and white pepper to taste
For some reason, fennel is one of those mysterious vegetables that I've always been intimidated by. Judging from its seeds, I knew that it tasted a bit like anise and since I loath black licorice, the idea of a green oniony looking vegetable that might taste like licorice, has never been exactly tempting. But then my friend grilled some recently for the top of a pizza and I discovered that it's actually the tastiest green oniony vegetable ever!
This is another recipe from The Catalan Country Kitchen (out-of-print but great book!)
6.0 cups
Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 9:02pm