Bourbon orange blossom honey ribs


1 1/2 kg of Pork Ribs
5 g of black pepper
5 g thyme
3 Crush garlic cloves
125 ml Soy Sauce
2 3/4 tbsp vinegar
125 g of tomato paste
15 ml KANTÉ Natural Avocado Oil
15 g Butter
200 g of finely sliced onion
2 cupe of beef broth
2 tbsp brown sugar
100 g KANTÉ Orange Blossom Honey
1 tbsp instant coffee
1/4 cup Bourbon


Pre heat owen at 180º C while you follow the next steps.
Heat the butter in a pan, fry the garlic, thyme and onion. When the onion gets transparent, add the beef broth, vinegar, tomato paste and sugar.
Salt and pepper the mix and cook for 15 mins aprox at a low flame. Then, add the soy sauce, bourbon, KANTÉ honey, and mix properly.
Place the ribs in a heat resistant tray and bathe with half the sauce, and put in the oven for 45 mins. Turn the ribs every 15 mins and add more sauce every time, then take it out and serve.

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Monday, December 21, 2015 - 8:25pm

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