Broccoli and Penne Rigati


2-4 small heads of broccoli
3 cloves of garlic sliced
1 Tbs pepper flakes
Olive oil
1 pound penne rigati
1 cup reserved pasta water


Perfect Broccoli
I like to use smaller heads with thinner stalks The stems are easier to peel and cook. The first step is to cut the head off and trim it into small florets. I have a belgique pot with a steamer and a lid that works great for this recipe. Place the florets into the steamer set it over the pot with a few inches of water in it and bring to a boil. As soon as the water begins to steam let it cook for 3 to 4 minutes then take it off the heat and let it sit for about 10 minutes. You now have perfectly cooked broccoli, if your not going to use it right away place it in a ice bath to set the color and stop the cooking.
I take the stems and using a paring knife cut the dried bottoms off each stem then pull the tough outer layer off. You should end up with a thin stick of creamy colored broccoli stem, which I cut into small pieces and hard boil in a small pan until fork tender. Once cooked I add to the florets.
Next take the pot with enough salted water and cook the penne until it's done to your preference , before draining take about 1 cup of pasta water and set aside.
Place the pot back onto a medium hot burner allow the heat to dry any water in the pot. Add about 5 Tbs of Olive oil and once hot add the garlic and pepper flakes and cook for about two minutes (don't brown the garlic), and once the garlic is lightly cooked add the broccoli to the pan and stir to combine and cover the broccoli with the oil.
Now add in the pasta another 3-4 Tbs of Olive oil and stir to combine. If the pasta appears to dry and not coated with sauce add some of the pasta water and stir until you all the ingredients are coated.
Serve with Parmesan on the side.


An easy to make absolutely delicious main course

Other Names:

broccoli and pasta




Monday, December 16, 2013 - 8:40am


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