Moroccan Sellou


500g of flour
500g of blanched almonds
500g sesame seeds
500g clarified melted butter
250g of liquid honey
1 C. anise seed soup
1 C. powdered cinnamon soup
1/2 c. coffee grated nutmeg
1/2 c. coffee powdered anise
2 tbsp. coffee ground gum arabic food
1 small glass of whole toasted almonds for training.
2 tbsp. icing sugar soup for training.


STEP 1: Roast the flour in the oven by monitoring it regularly or in a large, hot nonstick skillet. Whatever the technique, stir regularly so that it takes a beautiful brown-golden color and be careful that it does not burn. If you use the pan, you can proceed in several steps to obtain a uniform color.
STEP 2: Sift the flour and set aside.
STEP 3: Grill the sesame seeds in the same way for roasting.
STEP 4: Then roast the blanched almonds with their skin removed.
STEP 5: In the bowl of a food processor, mix together roasted ingredients with nutmeg, anise, cinnamon and gum arabic.
STEP 6: Pour the roasted and sifted flour into a large, wide, hollow dish, such as a Moroccan gssâa.
STEP 7: Add the dried fruits and ingredients you have mixed by mixing them well with flour.
STEP 8: Gradually pour in clarified melted butter and honey, working the mixture by hand to incorporate and bind the mixture.
STEP 9: Dose the amount of clarified butter according to the texture you want.
STEP 10: Do not add too much if you want a traditional Moroccan Sellou, still "powdery", ideal to mount a pretty pyramid. The more you add, the more your Sellou will be bound and fat.
STEP 11: Dress the Sellou Moroccan style by forming a pyramid in a beautiful plate.
STEP 12: Sprinkle with the icing sugar using a strainer and decorate by drawing on 4 sides lines starting from the bottom to the top with the whole almonds.


The Moroccan Sellou is a very popular specialty during the month of Ramadan where it soothes generously and greedily hunger before a day of abstinence or during the breakup of the young. It has its beautiful caramel-colored, cinnamon-like, white flour that is roasted before adding a mixture of sesame seeds and roasted almonds as well as honey and clarified butter. The texture of Moroccan Sellou varies according to the amount of fat added. When it is dry enough, a little dusty, it allows to present it in a traditional pyramid in a large dish that is decorated with whole almonds and sometimes sprinkled with icing sugar. You can also enjoy a more mellow consistency like a Sellou Moroccan dough that makes small individual bites.


Sunday, October 22, 2017 - 7:33pm


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