Meat Filling


(for knishes, blintzes, etc.)
2 cups ground cooked meat or poultry
2 tablespoons minced celery
2 tablespoons minced onion
1 tablespoon chicken fat
teaspoon salt
teaspoon black pepper
1 well-beaten egg


Remove all fat and gristle from the meat before it is ground. Brown the celery and onion slowly in the fat for 5 minutes. Mix all ingredients until thoroughly blended. Use just enough gravy or soup to make a stiff paste. This makes 2 cups.
Meat Blintzes: Prepare blintzes and fill each with a heaping tablespoon of meat filling. Fold up and saute in chicken fat. Serve, as a main course, with gravy ortomato sauce.
Meat Pirogen: Prepare dough as for kasha knishes. Use meat filling instead of kasha. After the filling is placed on each square of dough, fold it over into a triangle and press the edges firmly together. Continue as for knishes.
Shepherd's Pie: Double the recipe for meat filling. Any meat may e used, but lamb is especially good. Prepare 3 cups of mashed potatoes with chicken fat.
Line a 6 cup casserole with 2 cups of the potatoes, fill with the meat filling, and spread with the remaining potatoes. Swirl the top attractively, so the potatoes resemble a meringue. Bake at 350 F. about 45 minutes, until the potatoes are nicely browned.




6.0 servings


Friday, February 12, 2010 - 7:55pm



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