Fish Chowder


4 pounds cod or haddock
1/2 -inch cube fat salt pork
6 cups potatoes cut in
1/4 -inch slices, or
1 tablespoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
4 cups potatoes cut in
3/4 -inch cubes
3 tablespoons butter
4 cups scalded milk
1 sliced onion
8 common crackers


Order the fish skinned, but head and tail left on. Cut off head and tail and remove fish from backbone. Cut fish in two-inch pieces and set aside. Put head, tail, and backbone broken in pieces, in stewpan; add two cups cold water and bring slowly to boiling-point; cook twenty minutes. Cut salt pork in small pieces and try out, add onion, and fry five minutes; strain fat into stewpan. Parboil potatoes five minutes in boiling water to cover; drain and add potatoes to fat; then add two cups boiling water and cook five minutes. Add liquor drained from bones,


5.0 servings


Saturday, December 5, 2009 - 10:32pm



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