Orange Nut Loaf
Photo: flickr user Squirrel Cottage
1 medium Size Orange
1 cup Pitted Dates, (1 Pkg.)
1 tablespoon Melted Shortening
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 Egg
2 cups Flour
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Chopped Nuts
Place unstrained juice and pulp from orange in measuring cup and fill to 1 cup mark with boiling water. Pour into mixing bowl, put orange rind and dates through food chopper and add to liquid in bowl. Blend in melted shorterning, vanilla and well beaten egg. Add sifted flour, salt, baking powder, soda and sugar. Add nuts. Pour into well greased bread pan. Bake about 1 hour in 350 degree oven.
1.0 servings
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 - 10:25pm