How to make Crunchy Mini Potato And Mushroom Patties


Potatoes: 2
Mozzarella cheese: 50gm
Mushroom: ¼ cup
Finely chopped coriander leaves: ½ cup
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder: 1 teaspoon
Finely chopped green chilli: 2
Italian herbs: 1 teaspoon
Corn flour: ¼ cup
All purpose flour/maida: 3 tablespoons
Milk: ¼ cup
Bread crumbs: 60g (2 - 3 slices of bread)
Kissan Fresh Tomato Ketchup: 3 tablespoons
Oil for frying


Peel and cube the potatoes. Use frozen corn and microwave to cook it. You can choose your method to cook, but make sure it does not retain any water.
Boil water, add the cubed potato, salt and cook until soft. Do not overcook. Otherwise it will retain water.
Transfer to mixing bowl and mash it well.
Add chopped mushroom, Kissan Fresh Tomato Ketchup, coriander leaves, green chilli, pepper powder, Italian herbs, cheese, required salt and mix well.
Divide into 12 equal size balls, shape into cylinders or any desired shapes.
Mix maida in milk to make a batter, thick enough to coat. Keep corn flour and bread crumbs ready in separate bowls/tray. Coat each rolled croquette in corn flour first.
Dip it in maida. Roll it in bread crumbs. Use both hands, to handle wet and dry ingredients separately for less mess.
Repeat to finish all. Heat the oil and drop in a few at a time. Cook until golden.
Turn once or twice for even browning. Drain over paper towel.


Crunchy mini potato and mushroom patties is tasty and healthy tiffin snack for your child. Crunchy mini potato and mushroom patties is must have snack for your child.
This crispy on the outside and soft on the inside Potato and Mushroom-Corn Pattice is a yummy treat for your kids. Don’t forget to add Kissan Fresh Tomato Ketchup and some cheese to make this dish a complete delight.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - 12:01am


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