Melting Moments By Bettys Bites

Foodista Cookbook Entry

Category: Desserts & Sweets | Blog URL:

This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.


250 grams butter, cubed
55 grams (⅓ cup) icing sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
60 grams (3 tbs) butter, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
pink food colouring
110 grams (⅔ cup) icing sugar, sifted


Preheat oven to 160 degrees celsius. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
Use electric beaters to beat butter, icing sugar and vanilla essence in a medium bowl until pale and creamy.
Sift the flour and cornflour together into a bowl and add to the butter mixture. Beat on lowest possible speed until just combined and a soft dough forms.
Lightly flour your hands and roll teaspoonfuls of the mixture into small balls. Place on the prepared baking tray about 5cm apart (note – these expand in the oven!). Use a fork that has been dipped in flour to flatten each ball to about 3cm in diameter and 1cm thick (mine were a bit larger).
Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes or until cooked through. Cool on the baking tray. Transfer to a wire rack and repeat with the remaining mixture.
To make the filling, use electric beaters to beat the butter, vanilla essence in a small bowl until pale and creamy. Add the icing sugar and beat until combined, then add colouring until desired colour you want. Cover and place in fridge until required.
To assemble the biscuits, spread the base of a biscuit with filling and then join with another biscuit. Repeat with the remaining biscuits and filling.




1 servings


Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - 6:34pm


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