Butterscotch Pie
Category: Desserts & Sweets | Blog URL: http://hazelbloom.typepad.com/the-hazel-bloom/2009/11/butterscotch-pie.html
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
Photo: Kare
Not long after I posted the recipe for the sinfully delicious Butterscotch Pudding, I received a comment from the lovely jnine. "I'd like to try this in a pie for Thanksgiving!" she said and I paraphrase. She wondered about the adjustments needed to make that happen. And then, so did I.
I couldn't just let it be. I had to try it for myself.
A yummy piece of butterscotch pie
Add more cornstarch - check. Find the perfect crust - check. Figure out what to top it with - check. Enhance the flavor of the filling even more with a touch of whiskey - check, check, check.
Butterscotch Pie was a huge hit with my official tasting panel - my guy and his buddy. Let's take a quick peek into the conversation, shall we?
My guy: "Mmmm. I want to eat the whole pie."
His buddy: "Can we figure out a way to just, like, intravenously insert it into our veins?"
My guy: "But, but, then you couldn't taste it!"
His buddy: "Oh yeah."
I'd say that's at least a couple grunts up from the panel.
Here's the recipe. Oh, a note about the crust: With the graham cracker crust, this pie is very sweet. For some people, that's a good thing. But I think this would be excellent on a pre-baked classic flaky pie crust. If you try it that way, let me know! I'm not sure I'll get away with using anything other than the graham cracker crust. My graham-cracker-lovin' guy's crestfallen face at the discovery would break my heart.
Anyway! The recipe!
January 10, 2010
I'm vegan... but I might cheat for a bite of this pie.