Christmas Carbón Dulce - Spanish Candy Coal For Those Naughty Kids
While planning out the Christmas Gift Box I'm making up to send off to my family, I decided it would be fun and unexpected to throw in some coal.
There are two versions of candy coal. The most know version is Spain is made from powdered sugar, is grainy and dissolves quickly. Known as carbón dulce, sweet coal. While the other version is of smooth cooked sugar.
This evening I tried out a recipe for carbón dulce, although, in appearance it's Great! (should have added more black food coloring though) I find in flavor it's lacking just a bit, tastes like royal icing. I had added in some Almond extract, but it hadn't been enough. Still looks great nevertheless!
I can imagine that this carbon coal would be a huge hit with kids since they love anything with sugar!
This recipe I tried from the beautiful blog: Flagrante Delicia. The only changes I made to this recipe was the addition of Almond extract...having anticipated the sugar taste....Should have added more Extract!