Date Cookies


3 1/2 pounds to four pitted, soft dates. Found at stores around the Middle Eastern stores in
cup Less than ⅓ olive oil to knead the dates with
2 tablespoons Tablespoons Fennel, 2 Tablespoons Anise Seeds and 1 grounded Add the seasoning you are using, add the olive oil then knead the dough to a smooth finish
Shape the date into cylinder pieces, about 4 or 5 inches long
Set aside until you get the dough ready
For the Dough, you need:
Seasoning contains:
2 tablespoons each of:
5 cups cooking oil (corn or canola)
1 1/2 cups water- added gradually


Mix all ingredients and knead together until they form soft dough.
You may need to add less or more water to reach the consistency you feel is right.
The dough has to be on the soft side and flexible
To fill your cookies, cut the dough into a small ball size, spread on a flat surface, fill with the dates, be generous with the filling, close and roll out like sticks and shape into a medium round doughnut shape.
Bake into a 450 Fahrenheit degree oven until golden brown in color
Let cool then store in air tight containers up to a month
Enjoy with tea or coffee




Chris Paulk's picture

5 lbs of flour? - makes 4 dz cookies? are they inner tube size?


In the Middle East there are many varieties of cookies that are typically made during the religious festivities. Many of these cookie varieties are filled with lots of goodies such as dates, walnuts, pistachios and much more. Today I am listing a recipe for Date filled cookies that is easy to prepare and just plain delicious.


4 Dozens


Wednesday, January 6, 2010 - 10:48am


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