Orange Salad With Chewy Pink Treats

Foodista Cookbook Entry

Category: Side Dishes | Blog URL:

This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.


3 teaspoons agave nectar
1 1/2 ounces crushed pecans (or almonds, or nut of your choice)
50 grams dried cranberries (unsweetened or juice sweetened, if you can find them)
pinch of ginger


Mix it all up and enjoy.


Orange salad with chewy pink treats

......It's amazing how you'll describe something to get kids to eat it. Orange salad with chewy pink treats covers 2 favorite colors and the word 'treats' always gets some face time!

This is actually a carrot/apple salad with walnuts and dried cranberries. I do not eat carrots. I eat this. it is THAT good.

Here's the recipe:

2c shredded carrots

2 shredded apples

juice from 1 lemon

3T agave nectar

1.5oz crushed pecans (or almonds, or nut of your choice)

50g dried cranberries (unsweetened or juice sweetened, if you can find them)

pinch of ginger, pinch of salt

Mix it all up and enjoy. I'm told it tastes even better when it sits overnight, but the batch I made today will be gone before bedtime. I found several recipes online that were similar and I made the subs you see here. It's worth a try. I would even bring a big double batch of this to a party - yes, it's good enough to serve to friends!


6 servings


Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 10:21am


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