Chocolate Bread Parfait (Pane Di Cioccolato Al Cucchiaio)
Would you throw away leftover bread if you've known that you could make this heady yet luscious chocolate bread parfait? I wouldn't so you shouldn't either. I love the idea of using leftover bread which is abundant in Umbrian cuisine; it's kinda like genoise cake but in a slightly chewy way met chocolate-coffee-rum sauce. This recipe was sent to me a long time ago but I haven't had time to make it sooner. Spring is already here but this week, it's quite rainy and cold in Oregon so I thought making this parfait sounded perfect for the weather.
This is an honest and humble dessert, using simple and basic components but the result will sway you away. The sauce is on the spot, not too sweet, very chocolatey, and the rum shines on. I had to substitute almonds for pistachios because they're what I had at home. Even with that, they didn't take away the flavor intended in the dessert. Half of the recipe was just enough for us, more than that meant I need a strong determination not to eat all of them!