Question: River Rocks for baking

December 7, 2010
Is it safe to use river rocks in the oven? would they explode? if so, which rocks are safe to use in the oven?


Barnaby Dorfman's picture

What are you trying to accomplish with the rocks? Rocks can crack and in rare cases explode if they have water inside that turns to steam and cannot escape. If you are looking to create a heat sink so your oven retains it's heat better when opening and closing, you might want to use bricks instead. They have heat retaining properties, but since they are created by baking to high temperatures, they don't typicall have a problem being in the oven. They can also offer a flat surface. Be sure to use clay bricks, not concrete since those are not baked.

Mimi Cooks's picture

Thanks for your reply. I am trying to bake a kind of flat bread that is usually baked in "In ground ovens" with the usage of roundish rocks in the bottom of the oven hole so you get this nice bubble shape on the bread. this bread is made in the Levant area. i will not get the shape i want using flat bricks although they are the best to use in home ovens. i was thinking maybe i can use volcanic rocks? i am sure they would hold a lot of heat in the oven.
i posted the photo of this bread as my profile photo, if you can look at it you would know the type of bread i would like to bake

Barnaby Dorfman's picture

Wow..very cool, I love learning.g about new recipes!

The main thing that would cause river rocks to crack or explode is rapidly expanding trapped moisture. To solve this you could place a group of river rocks on a cookie sheet and leave in the oven for 4-5 hours on a low heat. You might still see some of them crack when baking the bread, but I think you would avoid anything violent.

Let us know how it goes!