Bouquet Garni


A bouquet garni is a bundle of fresh or dried herbs. Bouquet garnis are seldom the same. A bouquet garni is typically used to flavor soups, broths, stocks, and certain slow-cooked meat dishes. The types of herbs used generally depend on the cook's preferences. Because the herbs are bundle, one can remove the herbs when the dish is done. This method is particularly convenient because it imparts flavor without leaving large chunks of herbs and seasonings in the dish.


Translations: ブーケガルニ, باقة القرني, Kytice Garni, Bouquet garni, 꽃다발 Garni, Kytice Garni, זר Garni, Букет Гарни, गुलदस्ता Garni, Букет Гарна, 花束Garni, Букет Гарни, Букет Garni

Physical Description

Bouquet garnis have no particular size or common attribute. The amount and size of the herbs used typically depend on the dish. Most cooks typically include herbs such as basil, parsley, chevre, and rosemary in a bouquet garni. Some additions often include garlic or root vegetables such as garlic or parsnips.

Colors: Usually green, but depends on the herbs used.

Tasting Notes

Flavors: Woodsy, deep.
Food complements: Certain meats and soups.
Wine complements: Red wine, White wine
Substitutes: Jarred herbs and spices

Selecting and Buying

Choosing: Choosing herbs for a bouquet garni is generally a matter of personal preference. One factor to keep in mind, however, is freshness. Dried herbs have a much different and stronger flavor that stands up well to long cooking times. One typically has to wait to put fresh bouquet garnis into a recipe.
Buying: Look for fresh and dried herbs at local supermarkets and farmer's markets.
Procuring: If one has an herb garden at home, bouquet garnis are an excellent way t add depth of flavor to food.

Preparation and Use

Choosing herbs for a bouquet garni is generally a matter of personal preference. One factor to keep in mind, however, is freshness. Dried herbs have a much different and stronger flavor that stands up well to long cooking times. One typically has to wait to put fresh bouquet garnis into a recipe.

Conserving and Storing

If using fresh herbs, one can place the bouquet garni in a plastic bag with a moist paper towel. The bag then needs to be refrigerator. Dried herbs, on the other hand, need to be kept in a cool, dry area.



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