Yellow Transparent Apple
An early yellow apple ripening the first week in July. The fruit is tender, juicy, and mildly acid, making it a favorite for homemade applesauce. Trees are upright, vigorous, and very precocious, however tend to be biennial.
Translations: Yellow Caurspīdīgs Apple, Geltona Skaidri Apple, Galben transparent Apple, Žuta Transparentno Apple, Yellow Transparant Apple, पीले रंग की पारदर्शी एप्पल, Apple Transparente Amarelo, Желтый прозрачный Apple, Κίτρινο Διαφανές Apple, أبل صفراء شفافة, 황색 투명 애플, Žlutá transparentní Apple, Kuning Transparan Apple, Yellow transparent Apple, 黄色透明苹果, Apple transparent groc, Rumene Transparent Apple, Žltá transparentná Apple, Giallo Apple Trasparente, אפל שקוף צהוב, Транспарентно жута јабука, イエロー透明アップル, Jaune Transparent Apple, Gul Transparent Apple, Gul Transparent Apple, Apple transparente amarillo, Жовтий прозорий Apple, Keltainen Läpinäkyvä Apple, Жълти Прозрачна Apple