Doughnut Peaches
Photo: Melissa Peterman
Peaches that have a round, flat shape, similar to a doughnut (also called Saturn Peaches), this variety of peaches tends to be sweeter than other varieties and has an almond undertone.
Other names: Saturn Peaches
Translations: Virtulis Persiki, Spurga Persikai, Piersici Doughnut, Krafna Peaches, Chiếc bánh rán đào, Pączków Brzoskwinie, डोनट पीचिस, Пончик персики, Λουκουμάς Ροδάκινα, دونات الخوخ, 도넛 복숭아, Kobliha Broskve, Donat Peach, Donat Peaches, 甜甜圈桃子, Préssecs anells, Doughnut Breskve, Kobliha Broskyne, Ciambella Pesche, אפרסקים דונאט, Крофна Брескве, ドーナツ桃, Beignet Peaches, Doughnut Ferskner, Smultring Peaches, Melocotones anillos, Пончик персики, Donitsin Peaches, Поничка Праскови
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: july, august