Soy Protein
Soy protein is a versatile food ingredient with functional and nutritional properties.The FDA has authorized use of health claims about the role of soy protein in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) on labeling of foods
Translations: Sojas proteīna, Sojų baltymų, Proteic de soia, Soja proteina, Protein đậu nành, Białko sojowe, Soja-eiwit, सोया प्रोटीन, Proteína de Soja, Соевого белка, بروتين الصويا, 간장 단백질, Sójová bílkovina, Toyo protina, 大豆蛋白, Proteïna de soja, Sójová bielkovina, Proteina di soia, חלבון סויה, Sojaprotein, Протеини соје, 大豆タンパク質, Protéines de soja, Soja-Protein, Soya Protein, Proteína de Soya, Соєвого білка, Soijaproteiini, Соев протеин