Touareg Tea
Photo: flickr user martijnmunneke
Touareg tea,also called Tuareg tea or Mint tea, is a flavored tea prepared in northern Africa and in Arabian countries and is central to social life in Maghreb countries.
Physical Description
Touareg tea is a herbal tea.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Preparation and Use
The spearmint leaves are steeped in boiling water to produce the tea. Alternatively the touareg tea is mixed with green tea to create a milder and less pungently mint tea.
Tea preparation in Arabian or North African countries includes pouring the steeped mixture into a glass and back into the pot, back and forth several times to mix it before adding sugar to it for sweetening. The final glass is poured from a distance above the drinking vessel to push the leaves to the bottom.
This tea helps relieve stomach aches and it is also used to reduce or eliminate excessive hair growth on women.
The tea can also be mixed with black tea to counteract the bitter taste found in black tea.
Spearmint tea is also used for relieving bouts of asthma headaches and nausea.
Conserving and Storing
After preparing the tea it can be kept warm for a short while and served warm or it can be refrigerated and served iced.