The Mother of all Coconut Smoothies


½ cup unsweetened, un-sulphured shredded coconut
½ cup hot water
4 tablespoons Coco Treasure’s Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
1 avocado, peeled, seed removed
1 banana
1 cup non-fat plain Greek yogurt
2 teaspoons Coco Treasure’s Organic Coconut Jam
6-10 ice cubes


Place the shredded coconut, hot water and organic extra virgin coconut oil in a blender and blend until smooth. Add more hot water if needed to make a smooth paste. Let the mixture cool.
Rough chop avocado and banana into manageable pieces, add them to the cooled mixture in the blender.
Remaining ingredients and blend until the ice is well crushed and the mixture is a creamy consistency.
Taste for flavoring. Add more organic coconut jam if needed.


Smoothies are a great idea in concept, but they can be high in sugar and low in the protein and healthy fat your body needs to start the day. Coconut smoothies are a step in the right direction. Adding the flesh, oil and other products from our beloved coconut provides protein, fiber, fat and big dose of deliciousness.  This smoothie recipe is not only low in sugar, it is high in protein, omega-3 acids, heart-healthy medium chain triglycerides and—wait for it—flavor! What’s more, it will keep you feeling satisfied until lunch time. Coconut smoothies make great snacks and are good when you need a quick breakfast on the go. But if you’re going to drink a smoothie as a meal replacement, it should meet the same nutritional requirements as a cooked meal. Fortunately, this “mother of all smoothies” does.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - 6:34pm


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