Risotto Marinara


1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
200 grams calamari, washed
200 grams raw green prawns, h
1 200 gram fillet fresh Atlantic salmon, skin removed, cut into bite sized pieces
cup minced parsley
1 tablespoon olive oil
10 spring onions, chopped
400 grams Ferron rice
300 mls dry white wine
800 mls rich fish stock, simmering
4 roma tomatoes, f inely chopped
1 tablespoon sour cream
cup finely chopped parsley


Heat the olive oil and gently saute the garlic in Tamaras Risotto Pot*. Add the prepared seafood and cook briefly until the fish and shellfish is opaque, adding the parsley at the last moment. Remove from heat and set aside.
Heat the remaining tablespoon of olive oil and saute the spring onions. Add the rice, stirring to coat. Add the white wine and allow it to be absorbed then add the first addition of fish stock together with the finely chopped tomatoes. Continue cooking, adding further additions of stock as the previous one is absorbed.
When there is only a small quantity of stock left, add the cooked fish mixture and all its juices with the last addition of stock and continue simmering for about 2 minutes, or until most of the liquid is absorbed. Add sour cream, cheese and parsley, stir well to incorporate and serve immediately.



1.0 loaf


Saturday, February 13, 2010 - 10:05am



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