Homemade Southern Ice Cream


2 quarts milk
2 cups sugar
4 teaspoons vanilla
4 Junket tablets
1 quart plus 3 cups whole milk
4 tablespoons vanilla
3 cups sugar
2 teaspoons salt


With eggs. Personally, I like the eggless one the best. It seems healthier and a lot easier to make. You may find Junket in your grocery store and located in the sugar isle. Make and enjoy!
Eggless Recipe:This is the recipe my mom made and believe me there weren't ever any leftovers. Dissolve junket tablets in cold water. Mix milk, sugar and salt and heat to lukewarm. Add water and junket mixture, chill, add cream, vanilla and freeze. Add any fruit you wish if you don't want plain vanilla.
With Eggs:Scald milk in a large 6 quart saucepan. In a large bowl, beat together egg yolks and salt. Add about 3 cups of the hot milk to the egg yolks slowly while stirring constantly. Then return this mixture to the milk in the pan. Add sugar and keep stirring while cooking at medium heat. When mixture coats the spoon or just starts to boil, remove from heat. In most cases, the mix will be lumpy. Don't worry. Just remember to strain out the lumps when you pour it into the canister.
You will have lots of left over egg whites.
Use them for Baked Alaska, Lemon Milk Sherbet, or make some meringue shells to serve ice-cream in. This is a delicious, catering-quality custard ice cream. Please notice that it uses a ratio of approximately 2 parts milk to 1 part of cream. By substituting additional cream for some of the milk, it can be made even richer.




1.0 servings


Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - 4:14am



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