Always A Star At The Dinner Table- Tiramisu
Ingredients for the cake:
5 eggs, divided
5 tablespoons all-purpose flour
5 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
Ingredients for the cream:
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
8 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 cups milk
8 tablespoons butter, softened
For soaking liquid:
For decoration:
shaved dark chocolate
1 cup heavy whipping cream whipped to soft peaks
2 bananas, sliced
Directions for cake:
Directions for cream:
Directions for soaking liquid:
I usually use instant coffee. It's easier and more convenient. Prepare your instant coffee according to direction and stir in rose water or orange blossom water for that special "umh what's this" comment.
For special occasions I mold my tiramisu in a round form (I cover the mold with plastic wrap, so I can be certain that when I flip my creation onto the plate there are no accidents) starting by cutting the sponge cake into strips and arranging 1/2 of them on the bottom of the mold. Soak the cake with 1/2 cup of coffee. Cover with a 1/3 of cream. Arrange half of the banana slices over the cream, cover with 1/3 of the cream, arrange banana slices again and finally that last third of the cream. Cover the top of the cream with the other half of the
The next day, before serving, flip the cooled tiramisu on the plate, cover it with whipping cream, and generously sprinkle with chocolate shavings.
Tiramisu, this Italian picker upper that everybody loves. Me, personally, with a strong cup of Turkish coffee. Oh, so good!
This sweet guilty pleasure is always a star around my dinner table, especially when we have company. I usually make it a day ahead so that all the flavors can develop to their full and start complementing each other.
Although masacarpone and lady fingers are the staple of tiramisu, I find it much more delicious made with sponge cake and custard cream. Yes, it takes more time, but in the end it pays off.
This is one of my most treasured recipes now for 22 years. It was the recipe that brought my husband and me together.
You cannot go wrong with coffee and chocolate^_^
1.0 servings
Saturday, November 13, 2010 - 4:49pm