Ratatouille From Nice


2 red onion, thinily sliced
1 eggplant (medium size) cubed
1 yellow peppers coarsely chopped
1 red peppers coarsely chopped
2 zucchini (medium size) coarsely chopped
4 large tomatoes coarsely chopped
4 tablespoons olive oil


Heat olive oil over medium heat in a saucepan, after few minutes add garlic and onions and cook, stirring often, until softened, about 6 to 7 minutes. I don't use chopped garlic because I prefer to cook it in the oil and then remove it but if you like it, you can chop it.
Add eggplant; stir until coated with oil, then add peppers; stir to combine. Cover and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to keep vegetables from sticking.
Add tomatoes, zucchini, and herbs; mix well. Cover and cook over low heat about 15 minutes, or until eggplant is tender but not too soft. If you like to have " a juicy ratatouille" you can add 1&1/2 glass of boiling water.
You can serve it with rice, pasta, or cous cous and chicken. It's better prepared 1 day in advance.




Ratatouille is a french dish that come from Nice, in the south of France in Provence.
This is a very easy and quick recipe and it's fantastic in Summer !


1.0 servings


Friday, June 4, 2010 - 8:35am


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