Pork Blood Stew (Dinuguan)
2 1/2 pounds pork belly, sliced
4 bay leaves
1 cup vinegar (you could add more at the dining table if you prefer the"sour" taste)
2 cups pork blood
1 cup soup stock
Enjoy the dinuguan with puto... a perfect duo!
Dinuguan is a savory dish of pork belly mixed with pork blood simmered with vinegar. It's usually paired with Puto (simmer down now, this should not to be confused with the Spanish word), a sweet rice cake. The duo is a popular tandem. The acidity of the dish can be complimented with the sweet taste of the puto. This recipe is my hubby's grandma's recipe. She's been the best cook in our family and I'm blessed to have shared her cooking expertise... the original way of preparing traditional Tagalog cooking. A young 89 years of age, we fondly call her MOMMY DORY. I stayed as close to her recipe as I could, in fact I had to call her to be sure... and yeah she's the FIERCEST one in the family.
1 servings
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - 4:38pm