How To Make Your Own Curry


1 teaspoon fenugeek seeds
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons paprica
3 cloves garlic
fresh ginger (same amount to garlic)
2 teaspoons corriander seeds
1 star anis
1/2 teaspoon cardamom
1/2 Nutmeg
1 teaspoon Cinamon
1 teaspoon black pepper


First of all there are many differnet recipes to prepare your curry. If you are lucky enough and have access to all the ingredients you can try different ways. Mine is an evolution. Always wondered if I can make my own curry powder-which sometimes is not so cheap and not that satisfactory taste due to the aging). OK to make it easy, I do it in steps really; so off we go :
Dice onions finely and pound your fenugeek seeds with pestel and mortar .Fry both till translucent and aromatic
Good to prepare your ginger&garlic paste or just finely chop them to a mix .Add both to the fry pan with onion in
Add your turmenric and paprika and fry till you get the frying oil at the corners of your frying pan(This means you have cooked them enough)
Add then our coriander seeds and anis(star)-both of them not need too much of frying
Add your quartered-chopped tomatos and then your coconut milk
Let them simmer and then after 5 min add the cardamom ,nutmeg
And your cinamon
Black pepper and salt to the taste
Leave the mix to get thick and bubble-bursting(if you want a mderately uniform paste you can mix the end result).
As you can see the end product is very aromatic and not at all hot-that I call true taste of curry and you may try adding finely chopped curry to the mix to control your curry taste .This will give you enough paste for 6-8 people curry stew of your choice .It can go with any meat or chicken and will stay good for a fortnight in firdge.


2 dozen


Sunday, April 3, 2011 - 1:52am


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