Easy Blueberry Sauce



Place the sugar and water in a small, heavy based saucepan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved, stirring continuously.
Add the blueberries, then bring slowly to the boil, stirring continuously. Simmer gently for 3-5 minutes, stirring.
Stir in the lemon juice, then remove the pan from the heat and set aside for 5 minutes.
Serve hot.


I got this recipe from a book called The Big Book of Sauces by Anne Sheasby, it has 365 sauces, salsas, dressings & dips. I’ve had this book for quite a while now but had never made anything from it so now I’ve decided that it’s time to make some of these great looking sauces. I thought I’d start with the blueberry sauce first because I have alot of them in the freezer. I did make a couple of changes, the first was the lemon juice, is it a small, medium or large lemon? I had a very large juicy lemon, I got just under 1/2 cup of juice. I added the juice a little at a time until I got the tartness that we liked. The second change was that the recipe as it is was a little too runny for us, so I simmered & stirred until I got a slightly thicker consistency (about 10 mins). We had this with crepes (bought from the freezer section) & ice cream. A very easy sauce made with just 4 ingredients.



600 ml


Friday, August 13, 2010 - 5:48am


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