Lawnmower Coconut Cupcakes

Category: Desserts & Sweets | Blog URL:
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
Superheroes come in many shapes and sizes. From a cape crusader to a mighty mouse, they share having extraordinary abilities and doing extraordinary deeds. (Plus, they’re privy to some very cool gadgets). I remember, as a little girl, I used to wonder when my Dad would make a guest appearance on one of these shows. You see, I was convinced he was a superhero who walked the earth disguised as my father. He was bigger than life to me. Whether it was fixing the car, mowing the lawn or playing Skee Ball in order to win a prize for me at the local summer carnival, I marveled at his skills and looked at him as though he and I were the only ones in the universe to share his superhero secret.
Years and years later, as an adult, my Mom told me a story I had never heard before. It had to do with the winter our family came to America. We had a layover before arriving in Chicago and 3 US dollars to our name. 3 US dollars to start our new life in America. During the layover, apparently, I wanted, like the typical hungry and restless three-year-old that I was, an ice cream cone. The problem was, the ice cream cone cost $1. It was at this point in the story when I interrupted and said to my Mom, “No, no no….don’t tell me…”. I didn’t even get the chance to finish my sentence before she replied, “Of course, of course your Dad got the ice cream cone for you”.
I told you my Dad was a superhero. He has extraordinary abilities and he does extraordinary deeds.