Question: need to find some authentic florida recipes

March 22, 2011


Chris Paulk's picture

There is a cookbook- a little older- but can be found on a re-seller or used book site called "Miami Spice"by Steven Raichlen. It received a Julia Child Award and the copy I have was Copyrighted in 1993. The food is Latin, Cuban and Caribbean and features things like; Conch Salad, Gator Bites, Yucca Fritters, Coconut curried wahoo, Plantain stuffed chicken ect. Look on Amazon for a used copy.

marlo roberson's picture

I grew up in central Florida in the late 40's and 50's. Popular food in the day were Chicken Pilau (pronouncecd chicken perloo) It was at all functions. Also a pea dish called Conch Peas, very similar to lady peas, and of course fried fish and hushpuppies. Green turtle, frog legs, and turtle soup were also around. In Ybor City there was a cuban bean soup that used white beans. Mostly southern farm food. lots of non-published recipes and all had their own Chicken Pilau recipies.