
Someone please tell me what day and hour it is because I honestly don't know. Last week was sort of this whirlwind of get-on-a-plane, get-off-a-plane, give-a-talk, get-back-on-a-plane, get-back-off-a-plane, meet-new-people, get-back-on-a-plane... and rinse and repeat and so on and so forth. Hence, I have no idea what day it actually is right now! One moment I was in Scotland, then the next in Manchester (UK), and then in Atlanta (Georgia), and then back in California, and my head is still spinning from it all, and I can't really stomach the thought of another long plane ride, like, ever again. Or at the very least, for a few months, please I just want to stay in one place and time zone, thank you very much.
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