July 12, 2011

The latest element of Pepsi's "Summer Time is Pepsi Time" campaign, which I've covered here and here, is an integration with Foursquare that essentially turns predetermined spots all over the world into an interactive promotion. Foursquare users can check into these spots, which range from ballparks to pools and beaches, to "unlock summer fun" and earn badges, which qualify them for prize sweepstakes.
Shiv Singh, the head of digital at PepsiCo Beverages, says that Foursquare users will be more motivated by the exclusivity of the branded badges than the prizes themselves. "We call it 'badge equity,'" he told Marketing Daily.

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July 14, 2011
Nothing too ground breaking...
Badge development has been around for quite some time and sweepstakes will probably just scratch the surface.
I would have expected more from such a large brand. How about really engaging with their customers? Driving discounts at water parks or popular summer destinations using the Pepsi brand through Foursquare for example.