A collagen substance obtained from the swimbladders of fish, such as the Beluga sturgeon. It is used in the clarification of wine and beer.
Translations: Zivju līme, Žuvų klijai, Clei de peşte, Żelatyna, Vislijm, अभ्रक, Ictiocola, Желатин, Λεπιδόλιθος, غراء السمك, 부레풀, Klih, Aysinggles, 鱼胶, Cua de peix, Želatina iz ribjih mehurjev, Glej, Colla di pesce, Husbloss, Врста желатина, アイシングラス, Ichtyocolle, Hausenblase, Husblas, Cola de pescado, Желатин, Kalaliima, Рибен клей