Sechuan Buttons

Photo: Anonymous
Sechuan Buttons are edible small flowers that have a cool, spicy and citrusy taste. They are used in the preparation of sushi, seafood dishes, sauces, coctails etc.
Translations: Sechuan pogas, Sechuan Mygtukai, Sechuan Butoane, Sechuan बटन, Кнопки Сычуане, Sechuan Κουμπιά, Sechuan أزرار, Sechuan 버튼, Sechuan Tlačítka, Tombol Sechuan, Sechuan Pindutan, Sechuan按钮, Botons de Sechuan, Gumbi Sechuan, Sechuan Tlačidlá, Pulsanti di Sechuan, Sechuan לחצנים, Sechuan Knappar, Сецхуан дугмад, Sechuanボタン, Boutons Sechuan, Sechuan Knapper, Sechuan Knapper, Botones de Sechuan, Кнопки Сичуані, Sechuan painikkeet, Sechuan бутони