Whey, a byproduct of cheese and casein production, is the liquid that remains when milk is curdled; it is used as an additive in a variety of foods, including cheeses, breads, processed foods, and it can be used as a dietary supplement on its own.
Translations: Sūkalas, Išrūgos, Zer, Surutka, Sưa chua để làm phó mát, Serwatka, Wei, मट्ठा, Сыворотка, Ορός γάλακτος, مصل اللبن, 유장, Syrovátka, Сурутка, Patis ng gatas, 乳清, Sèrum, Sirotka, Srvátka, Siero, מי גבינה, Vassle, Air dadih, 乳漿, Petit lait, Molke, Valle, Myse, Suero, Сироватка, Hera, Суроватка